Mannequins Buyers Guide
Set 1 Set 2
Set 3 Set 4
Set 5 Set 6

Somebody wrote me a letter asking me why mannequins have mean faces. And I posted that question at the Forum of Mannequin Studio. That question made me think. I work with them everyday, and yet, I never really thought why mannequins are never manufactured with a smile. Well, look at these mannequin pictures and see for yourself. If you see a smiling mannequin please tell me. And if you want to see the answers to that question, please go to Mannequin Studio and go to the Forum. Meanwhile here is Set 3 Pics

Mannequin Picture Mannequin Picture Mannequin Picture Mannequin Picture Mannequin Picture Mannequin Picture Mannequin Picture Mannequin Picture Mannequin Picture Mannequin Picture Mannequin Picture Mannequin Picture

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